Surrendering to the power of anger
The ability to be our emotions without allowing them to control us is the power of awareness. Our emotions hold great wisdom they reveal to us personal truths. Their intelligence can guide us through life. Emotions are energy vibrations of different frequencies some more intense than others. When we are able to be with our emotions in deep surrender a in a state of non resistance we discover their wisdom. When we suppress, deny and reject them they gain more power because what we resist persists. Energy can not be destroyed. Energy is transformative its frequencies change but can never be gotten rid of. Have you ever tried not to feel an emotion? for example when anger arises have you ever tried not to feel angry? If some one say “don’t be angry” does anger just go away? Have you ever said to your self I am not going to get angry? You can not prevent anger from arising. If you believe you can you will feel powerless when it does arise, leading you to feel guilt and shame you will realise just how powerless you are because you couldn’t prevent ager from arising. By resisting anger it gains more power and in doing so had more control over you through your speech and actions.
Emotions are the door way leading us to the truth. The tantric path is all inclusive the methods utilise all experiences as a means to self realisation. Even the most intense experience of anger can be a means to discover the truth. After all emotions are an energy vibration, all experience is the energy vibration of consciousness.
The mind that labels some experiences good or bad, wright or wrong, wanted or un wanted, spiritual or not spiritual. So why are some emotions labelled good or bad? when we are young as we start to express our emotions it is our environment that teaches us about our experiences. Our care givers are the the ones who teach us about our emotions by the way they respond and react when we express them. How they treat us through their actions and what they say become our core beliefs about our emotions. If when we express anger for example we was punished or ignored we would start to understand that anger was not good. We experience the feeling of being un accepted and un loved. The pain of feeling un loved and un accepted as a child is so painful that it causes us to suppress our anger. We create meaning around what anger is and the consequences when we express it. We may be told “don’t be angry” “your naughty” and “don’t be bad” and if our care givers have an unhealthy relationship with their own anger they may be triggered and treat us the way they were treated when they expressed anger. There reactions and beliefs around anger are projected onto us. If a child’s anger is taken personally by the care giver and those around them their own traumas are triggered and they react from their own beliefs around anger rather than responding the the anger in the child with understanding.
When we are able to be with our anger it can completely control us, we become anger its energy changes our facial expressions, body language speech and actions. Its destructive nature can destroy relationships often saying and doing things we later regret. Because of this we fear anger and so suppress, deny and reject it for fear of the consequences. We desire most to be loved and accepted and because we learnt through our experience of growing up that anger is un loveable and un accepted we feel fear and shame around it. We end up not loving or accepting ourself when w feel angry.
Anger at its core is pain, it masks the way we truly feel. Anger can be a coping mechanism for hiding how we truly feel which we are unaware of. We devise many coping mechanisms in order to suppress our anger, we create strategies for getting our needs and desires met in un healthy ways. Anger when suppressed can manifest as resentment, passive aggressiveness, manipulation, explosive outbursts ect. We feel shame and guilt for how we really feel. We wear masks in order to hide what we we really feel and we project our own un healthy relationship and beliefs around anger on to others.
Emotions are the door way leading us to the truth. The tantric path is all inclusive the methods utilise all experiences as a means to self realisation. Even the most intense experience of anger can be a means to discover the truth. After all emotions are an energy vibration, all experience is the energy vibration of consciousness.
On the spiritual path we can ofter by pass our anger, deeming it not spiritual which leads to suppressing it even more. It’s not about getting rid of anger, its about being aware of our anger, totally accepting it and being honest with ourself. Having the ability to be with it in deep surrender. When we no longer label our emotions as good or bad, write or wrong they lose their power to control us. We gain the ability to be with what is no matter how intense or painful. When anger arises we see it as an opportunity to become aware of our shadows, to see the truth, to tune into our wisdom. When we no longer identify with our anger it loses its power to control us. We are able to consciously choose how we respond rather than reacting compulsively. When we have accepted our own anger it gives us the ability to be with others when they are angry without being triggered into reactivity later regretting what we have said or done. Because we are aware of the truth of our own anger we understand theirs and we have compassion.