The stages of awakening & self realisation
We often believe that awakening is linear but there are many layers to awakening like a spiral. We each have a path that these layers or stages are experienced at different times. All phases and stages of spiritual awaken are important and necessary. They can occurs in different orders. All layers of our being need to align with truth, we must become aware of both the shadow and the light.
Self realisation happens in an instant it can happen through meditation where the world, the body and the mind disappear and whats left is what you are pure consciousness. This is known as samadhi in easter spirituality. Through the practice of dharna which is concentration on a single object consciousness with draws from the functions of the 5 senses and inwardly focuses on a specific object. You are no longer aware or conscious of any external experience. Through un broken concentration awareness of the body disappears along with awareness of the breath. You are no longer aware of the breath or the body. Thoughts of the past and the future cease, there is no awareness of the person you believe to be. It is as if everything you have believed to be no longer exists. Whats left is what you are pure consciousness without anything thing to be aware of. This is ver hard to put in to words it is only through this direct experience that one can truly understand. It is not through any effort that this final realisation occurs only the effort of concentration and the rest is left to to the divine. This is the realisation that I am pure consciousness, I consciousness have realised i am consciousness. There are many methods known as mediation techniques which are really concentration techniques. It is the ability to hold one thought excluding all other thoughts. Some many expereince this through other means like a near death experience or plant medidcine.
Non dual realisation There are times we can feel blissful in a stare of oneness with all of creation, amazed at the beauty and miracle of life. We can experience many mystical spiritual experiences through this phase. The non dual realisation that the whole of creation is the expression of one consciousness that is what I am. The illusion of separation dissolves. This stage can feel blissful, you feel at pace, the way in which you perceive yourself and the world if different and yet the world appears te same.
Dark night of the ego this stage can be very painful and confusing because we can feel as if we are in no mans land. It’s the phase in which we no longer believe what we used to but we are un aware of the truth. We can often feel numb through this phase and yet in utter disspare. It is a breaking down of everything we have believed to be and believed about the world and how life should or shouldn’t be. All of our beliefs around what life is and what this world is starts to de construct. We start to question our beliefs about ourself and the world. The constructs of the mind are dissolved we can often feel lost, we can feel that life has no meaning, we can feel as if we are in a state of crisis in our lives. This is because the ego is breaking down. We start to question our identity, what used to be the driving force on our lives no longer fuels us. You can not realise the truth and still hold on to your limited beliefs or identity. It can feel like a death though nothing actually dies. We can loose interest in life. Our relationships can break down, we may lose or leave our jobs, our situations can drastically change. The more un aligned our lives are with the truth the more drastic the changes will be. This s not a bad thin yet it can feel like it because its everything we have known, its familiar. We start to question everything, everything we thought was truth is seen as un true. During this phase we can feel incredibly alone and isolated. We can often feel as if something has gone wrong as if life has become worse instead of better. When we start our spiritual journey we are learning new things it can feel empowering and helpful to our lives as we take up practices we start to feel better, more relaxed and happy. These practices are in preparation and we can often start to question our practices doubting them. This is the time we need to be very compassionate with ourselves, this is a necessary stage of awakening and transformation is not always easy, it’s a time to really take care of the body, and use the practices to support this stage. Often we find ourselves isolating because we need time alone to process and not feel judged. We often need to take a step back to become aware of our conditioning and when your in it you unaware of it. Having the support from someone who has been through this process will be of great help because the mind will try to fight it, it will say “I shouldn’t be feeling this way” “something is wrong” “this is bad” “whats wrong with me” trust in the process and surrendering is key there is no time frame, the more you surrender the easier it will be. Even just hearing form someone who has been through this gives some hope that it wont last forever, that tis is normal and a part of the process.
Becoming aware of habitual patterns and limiting beliefs this stage of awakening is becoming aware of our habitual patterns and limiting beliefs as they arise. We become aware of our traumas and suppressed emotions. We are faced with the coping mechanisms we have used suppress our emotions and get our needs and desires met. All the ways in which we have adapted to fit in in or environment, our family and society to be liked, loved and accepted. We become aware of the shadow the subconscious parts of our self we have suppressed, denied and rejected. This phase can be very painful and confronting as we become aware of how our past experiences has shaped the way we perceive ourself and the world. We often become aware of the parts we don’t like about ourself how we have lied to ourself and other, manipulated people and situations. We become very aware of the ego at play as it arises. We are able to question our thoughts without judging we sipmle wuestion weathe rithey are true or not, wether they arise on behalf of the liming belif to be seoerate (the ego). We take responsibility for our own part in our suffering. We are able to process our emotions digesting the traces of trauma left in our system and recognise the limiting beliefs connected to those events about ourself and others. Each time we process and digest an emotion we strengthen or energy body, now having the ability to be fully present with what is. Life will present many experiences through which we become aware of our limiting beliefs and habitual patters. Truth is they have been playing gout we just wasn’t aware of the truth of them. Where as before we were unaware of them yet they were controlling our life now can see them clearly for what they are. We start to consciously chose how we respond rather than compulsively react. We start to become aware of our own toxic behaviours and take responsibility for our own conditioning. Be become honest with ourself start to speak and act from truth.
Once we have realised the truth of what we are and the nature of the world life becomes our sadhana realigning every experience with the truth. Wether it’s a internal experience of an intense emotion, the arising of a limiting belief or a difficult external situation. We meet life fully without any resistance. Through the process of self relation a deep inner wisdom of the truth arises and guides us through life. We are aware and present in every moment, we speak and act from the truth. There is a relaxation on all levels of our being and we live in deep surrender to the truth. No longer controlled by our habitual patterns or limiting beliefs. We make decisions and choices from the truth. Compassion arises This is a never ending process in the ever unfolding mystery of life.